His love for the breed started this journey. Providing families with a quality bulldog and providing a quality buying experience.
Bill's sister Danielle runs the day-to-day care of all litters. She runs a tight ship, and all the puppies love her.
Lucy is a Standard Brindle. with champion bloodlines including Cherokee Legend and Rembombory. Lucy is a love bug.
Phoebe is Lilac Tri. She is a very small girl at 38lbs. with color and size, breeding's with her will be selective.
Trixie is a Red Merle produced by me. from Lucy and Mayhem. She is a compact girl and will be coming up in 2023 for her first breeding.
Mayhem is a Chocolate Tri Merle. He is a total goof ball. His favorite toy is any kind of ball. Good luck trying to get it away from him!
Nova is a lilac Olde english bulldog. She is sweet yet independent. Comes from a good pedigree. Nova loves playing catch with balls in the back yard till she breaks them.
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